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June is National Safety Awareness Month

Many jobs require their employees to constantly lift, move and work with heavy objects, while standing for long periods of time. When these factors come together, it can result in pain, discomfort and injuries that start with the feet and work their way up to the rest of the body.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than 53,000 foot injuries per year leading to missed work days. This means that on average, 4.8 individuals per 10,000 full-time workers are missing work due to foot injuries. Slips, trips, falls, pain in feet and loss of traction are just some of the reasons these workplace injuries occur. It is important to bring awareness to these issues and for employers to create a work environment that is safe and prevents injuries that can lead to long term pain and discomfort or other major chronic conditions.

“There are more than 53,000 foot injuries per year leading to missed work days.

— Bureau of Labor Statistics

If you are having any foot, heel or ankle pain or have experienced injuries in the workplace, give us a call today. Let’s work together and find long term solutions that fit your lifestyle and work environment and prevent these injuries from happening in the first place. You don’t have to live in pain or discomfort, there is a solution available for everyone.

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